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Persistent Systems Stock Fundamental Analysis - Financial Results & Equity Research | Invest Yadnya Stock-o-Meter

Persistent Systems




Incorporated in 1990, Persistent Systems is an Indian Information technology services company. It has areas of expertise in product and platform engineering, Consumer Success and design-led transformation, Data and artificial intelligence, cloud cloud-enabled enterprise modernization. Vertical-wise revenue mix for FY24 consists of BFSI (31.9%), Healthcare and life sciences (21%), Software, Hi-tech and emerging industries (47.1%), whereas geography-wise revenue mix: USA (79.6%), Europe (9%), Rest of the World (1.5%), India (9.9%).


Performing rate for the company

Track the companies of Group.

Relaince Group

Sector: Refineries

Market Price


Market Cap(₹Cr.)



Quarterly Results ( Figures in Rs. Crores.)

No Data is available.

Profit & Loss ( Figures in Rs. Crores.)

No Data is available.

Balance Sheet ( Figures in Rs. Crores.)

No Data is available.

Cash Flows ( Figures in Rs. Crores.)

No Data is available.

Historical Growths

Compounded Sales Growth
Compounded Profit Growth
Compounded Expense Growth
Stock Price CAGR
No data is available
Sales Growth Profit Growth Expense Growth Stock Price CAGR

Ratios ()

No Data is available.

Major Shareholders

No Data is available.

Shareholders more than 1%

No Data is available.

Fund houses invested in the stock (Figures in % Equity Capital )

No Data is available.

Corporate Action

No Data is available.
No Data is available.
No Data is available.
No Data is available.


Presentation & Earning Calls

Annual Reports

Credit Rating

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No document is available
No document is available
No document is available.


Persistent Industries Overview 

The company Persistent Systems was incorporated in the year 1990 and offers technology services across the globe. It is a multinational company that had its stocks listed in the year 2010 in the NSE. Their products include offering services in technology and software products. Their services are offered for product life cycle that ensures a customer's software is developed and enhanced. It is one of the leading technology companies. Their services also include offering digital strategy and design, software and product engineering services to manage product lifestyle, CX Transformation and cloud and infrastructure, intelligent automation, enterprise IT security, data and analytics and much more.

Persistent Industries Stock Analysis 

The persistent systems share price today is at Rs 4,074.95 which is at a decrease from its previous close at 1.90 per cent at a rate of +79.05. The previous persistent share price was at Rs 4,154. The opening price of the stock was at Rs 4,043 with the high rate being at Rs 4,089.95. The low rate of the share at this time was at Rs 3,886.85. The persistent systems market cap is at Rs 30.09T Cr currently. The 52-week high rate of the current stock price falls at Rs 4,987 and the 52-week low rate falls at Rs 2,174. The dividend yield of the current persistent systems share price is at 0.76 per cent. The company's enterprise value is Rs 30,050 Cr. The book value of the stocks according to the balance sheet is Rs 441 and its face value is Rs 10. 

The persistent share price nse right now is at Rs 4,074.95 at 1.90 percent less from its previous close at -79.05 while the persistent share price bse is currently at Rs 4,059.70 which is less at 2.21 per cent at -91.95 from its previous close of Rs 4151.65. The values you get for each company tend to be different when we take a look at BSE and NSE. If you are a beginner in investing then you should start first by investing stocks from the BSE. 

The current persistent share price target according to HDFC securities has the value of Rs 5,845 and the data expects the persistent systems share price target to increase in the long-term.

According to persistent share analysis, the current trends in the stocks and the trends expected in the persistent systems share price forecast suggest a profitable investment with good returns for a long-term investment. The persistent share price forecast expects increase in the values and with the revenue increasing in the 5 year time span. It has seen a bullish cycle in the market based on its persistent systems stock price chart and has positive trends to its growth rate. Thus, you can consider Persistent Systems as an investment option. 

Persistent year-on-year revenue has upped by 42.2 per cent according to reports for the fourth quarter and at 35.2 percent for the FY22. The consolidated revenue for the quarter that ended in the month of March 2022 is Rs 16,378.54 at Q-o-Q of 9.8 percent with the Y-o-Y being at 47.1 percent. The board has mentioned that persistent systems stock recommendation would be Rs 11 for each share at the face value of Rs 10. According to these values, you can make your stock investments through any registered brokerage firm or demat accounts after ensuring the returns for the period of investment you will follow. 

Follow and keep up with Investyadnya to get details on the latest persistent systems share price nse and persistent share news so you are updated about the current trends at all times. All stocks and shares related information is just a few clicks away. 


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Our website has information about 20+ other IT sectors that give insight into its financials. Companies include Persistent Systems and more.

Brands Of Persistent Systems

Brands Of Persistent Systems



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