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Kansai Nerolac Paints: Company Fundamental Analysis | Investyadnya eBook
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This e-book contains in-depth fundamental analysis of Kansai Nerolac Paints considering both Financial and Equity Research Parameters. It reviews the company, industry competitors, shareholding pattern, financials, and annual performance. ✔ Detailed Research ✔ Quality Reports

Kansai Nerolac Paints - Company Analysis

Category : Stocks₹ 199
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Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited is the largest industrial paint and third-largest decorative paint company of India.

Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. Company/Stock Review & Analysis based on Q42018-19 and FY 2018-19 data. The book contains Nerolac Paints Fundamental Analysis, considering both Quantitative (Financial) and Qualitative Parameters.

The Nerolac paints review ebook offers a thorough analysis of Nerolac paints share. From financials to valuation to Corporate governance, this Nerolac Paints stock analysis book has got it all.  If you are an investor & looking for Nerolac Paints company analysis ebook, InvestYadnya is here for all your Investment & Financial queries!

Total Pages- 42

Content Index -

  1. Introduction to Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited: About Nerolac Paints Company
  2. Milestones
  3. Promoters
  4. Nerolac Paints Products: Kansai Nerolac Paints Company Profile
    • Product Mix
    • Revenue Mix
  5. Pricing
  6. Promotion & Branding
  7. Customers
  8. Distribution (Place)
  9. India's Paint Industry Overview
  10. Major Shareholders
  11. Nerolac's Financial Performance: Nerolac Paints Results
  12. Share Performance
  13. Share Holding Pattern
  14. Latest Financials & comparison with Key Competitors: Competitors Of Kansai Nerolac Paints
  15. Summary


Our website offers numerous resources on Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. To get better insights into the company, check out our stock articles offering a Detailed Analysis of Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. You can also find the latest Nerolac Paints stock price on Invest Yadnya. Further, you can find the Balance Sheet & Ratios of the company on the stock-o-meter feature of our website.

Thus, this Nerolac paint book will offer you both the Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis of the Company. Through this Nerolac company analysis book, you will get a fair insight into the company’s financials, ratios & management. Therefore, you can make a viable investment decision after a proper study from Nerolac paint company review e-book.

Disclaimer - This book is not meant as Stock Advise or Financial Advice. It only gives the information about the stock or the company as per publicly available information and Yadnya's analysis of that information.


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