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Kajaria Ceramics: Company Fundamental Analysis | Investyadnya eBook
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This e-book contains in-depth fundamental analysis of Kajaria Ceramics considering both Financial and Equity Research Parameters. It reviews the company, industry competitors, shareholding pattern, financials, and annual performance. ✔ Detailed Research ✔ Quality Reports

Kajaria Ceramics - Company Analysis

Category : Stocks₹ 199
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Description -

Kajaria Ceramics Ltd. Company/Stock Review & Analysis based on Q42018-19 and FY2018-19 data. The book contains the Fundamental Analysis of the company considering both Quantitative (Financial) and Qualitative Parameters.

Total Pages - 38

Content Index -

    1. Introduction to Kajaria Ceramics
    2. Milestones
    3. Key Highlights
    4. Promoters
    5. Product Mix
    6. Business Mix
    7. Diversification
    8. Geographical Distribution
    9. Pricing
    10. Promotion and Branding
    11. Kajaria Ceramics Export Analysis
    12. Indian Tile Industry Overview
      1. Major Players
      2. Growth in Real Estate & Its Impact on Tile Industry
      3. Break Up of Tile Consumption in India
      4. Export & Import of Ceramic Tiles
    13. Share Performance
    14. Major Shareholders
    15. Kajaria Ceramics' Financial Performance
      1. Quarterly Performance
      2. Annual Performance
    16. Share Holding Pattern
    17. Latest Financials
    18. Comparison with Peers
    19. Summary


Disclaimer - This book is not meant as Stock Advise or Financial Advice. It only gives the information about the stock or the company as per publicly available information and Yadnya's analysis of that information.

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