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India Economic Indicators Report & Analysis
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Latest Economic Indicators of India Analysis - GDP, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Industrial Growth, Foreign Investments, Banking Indicators are shown in this report with historical trend. Our view on how the change is showing the impact on India's economy & Stock market.

India Economic Indicators Report & Analysis

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Description - 

Latest Economic Indicators of India - GDP, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Industrial Growth,  Foreign Investments, Banking Indicators are shown with historical trends. This eBook also contains our view on each indicator and how the change might impact Indian economy & Stock market. Last Updated on - 30th Sept, 2019.

Total Pages - 27

 Table of Content -

  1. Key Highlights
  2. Growth Indicators
    • GDP Growth % - 5 Yrs Trend
    • Index of Industrial Production (IIP) - 5 Yrs Trend
    • Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)
    • Market Cap to GDP ratio - Last 15 years Trend
  3. Monetary Indicators
    • Inflation : CPI & WPI - 5 Yrs Trend
    • RBI Policy Rates
    • 10-Year G-Sec Yield & Overnight MIBOR Rate
  4. Deficit
    • Fiscal Deficit as % of GDP - 10 Yrs Trend
    • Current Account Deficit as % of GDP
    • Crude Oil & Gold Imports - 3 Yrs Trend
  5. Foreign Investment
    • Foreign Exchange Reserves
    • FDI
    • FPI/FII
  6. Banking Health
    • Bank Credit & Deposit
    • Banks GNPA

Background -

The economy of India has been characterized as a developing market economy for some time now. It is the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). According to the IMF, on a per capita income basis, India ranked 142nd by GDP (nominal) and 119th by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2018. Since the start of the 21st Century, annual average GDP growth has been 6% to 7%, and from 2014 to 2018, India was the world's fastest growing major economy, surpassing China.

This eBook is an effort by Yadnya to make available all important economic indicators at one-stop for our users and to explain the impact of each of the indicators on the stock market thereby helping our users plan their investment strategy accordingly. This eBook will help you understand Gross Domestic Product, Fiscal Deficit, Inflation trends among others in few minutes.

Disclaimer - This book is not meant as Stock Advise or Financial Advice. It only gives the information about the stock or the company as per publicly available information and Yadnya's analysis of that information.

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