Description -
HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund is an open-ended equity scheme
following a value investment strategy. The scheme aims to achieve capital
appreciation/income in the long term by primarily investing in undervalued
Value or Contra Category Review -
HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund. Most Comprehensive and detailed MF review
based on Yadnya's proprietary methodology of Green, Yellow & Red Star.
Detailed Analysis & Review based on Dec 31st, 2020 data.
HDFC Capital Builder Value
Fund review ebook offers a thorough analysis of HDFC capital builder mutual
funds. This HDFC capital builder fund book has got it all from fund returns to
allocation to ratios. If you are an
investor & looking for HDFC capital builder fund review, InvestYadnya is
here for all your Investment & Financial queries!
No. of Pages - 10
Content Index -
Detailed Review is done on the following parameters
1. Market Cap Allocation - Last 10-year trend
2. Fund House & Fund Start Date:
HDFC Capital Builder Fund
3. Asset Under Management - Last 10-year trend
4. Fund Returns - Trailing,
Calendar, Rolling & SIP
5. Fund Manager
6. Sector Allocation - Last 10-year trend
7. Stocks Allocation & Portfolio
Turnover Ratio - Last 10 year numbers: HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund - Dividend
8. Portfolio Turnover Ratio - Last 10-year trend: HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund
9. Expense Ratio - Last 5-year trend
10. Risk Ratios - Alphon Beta,
Standard Deviation, PE Ratio - Last 5-year trend
Note: If you want all latest
Mutual Fund reviews access, check -
Invest Yadnya offers many resources for HDFC capital builder fund. We
provide similar ebooks on various other Mutual Funds like IDFC Sterling
Value Fund - Value or Contra Category, L&T India
Value Fund - Value or Contra Category, SBI Contra Fund
- Value or Contra Category, UTI Value
Opportunities Fund - Value or Contra Category, Value &
Contra Funds Comparison & Detailed Reviews & many more.
Thus, this book for HDFC value fund review will offer you a thorough
analysis of the HDFC value mutual fund. Through this HDFC value fund ebook, you
will get a fair insight into the company’s market allocation, AUM, ratios &
returns. Therefore, you can make a viable investment decision after a proper
study from this book.
Disclaimer - This book is not meant as MF Advise or Financial
Advice. It only gives the Mutual Fund information as per publicly available
information and Yadnya's analysis & review based on that information.
Please remember, Mutual Funds are subject to Market risk. Read the offer
document before investing.